Wauconda Baseball Softball
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Volunteers are how we survive!

WBS is staffed by, and depends on, volunteers!  When board positions, coaching staff and everyday volunteer positions are filled, the children of the community thrive.  We have endless opportunities for people to help, from small tasks like chalking the foul lines to big undertakings like managing an entire division (or more!)

Current board members, and open positions, are listed on our Contact Us page. Interested? Contact Rich Seneker, President, to discuss each position and its responsibilities. Members of the Board of Directors receive one free player registration per year.

In addition to Board of Directors positions, we have lots of other opportunities for parents, siblings, grandparents, etc. to help out.  Coaches need help keeping score and prepping the fields so that they can concentrate on teaching the children.  Concession stands need running so that we can provide the best equipment and fields to our players.  Special events need organizing and coordinating to ensure that everyone has a good time.

Please consider volunteering!  Ask your child's coach or any board member for more information on how you can help.